Friday 30 November 2012

Louis Armstong sings "What a Wonderful World".

I wasn't sure what to write today and then I cam across this youtube clip that a friend posted on facebook.  It states so powerfully what I have been saying  in my last few posts.  It is indeed a wonderful world and we need the eyes to see it and be grateful.

"I see trees of green and red roses too.  I see them bloom for me and for you. 
What a wonderful world!"

We have been gifted with the senses to see, hear, touch , taste  in order to discover  our world.  Such a pity  that many of us don't take the time to see (and smell) the red roses blooming just  for us. What is the purpose of flowers -if not  to bloom for us and bring beauty into our world?

In  gratitude   for all the wonders of this world,

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