Saturday 8 December 2012


As I was meditating early this morning,  the idea of entitlement came up and I thought that this would be a good topic to write about.  Many people today have a strong sense of entitlement - I am owed this, I deserve  that. None  of us are entitled to, or deserve that magnificent sunset or  the wondrous  view of trees dressed in  dazzling snow. It is given to us as a gift to enjoy and to appreciate. Viewing the world from a stance of gratitude instead of a sense of entitlement would make for a happier and more harmonious planet - and we individually would be happier and more content.
source: the weather netw
The song of birds in the morning, the timeless rhythm of waves crashing to  the shore, the awesome night sky with stars sparkling - these are given freely for each of us to enjoy whether it be you or I, or the hardened criminal. None of us  deserves or is entitled to the wonders of nature.  It is all a magnificent gift, freely given  for us to enjoy!  Now that is unconditional generosity!

In gratitude for nature's gifts freely bestowed,

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