Sunday 30 December 2012

Looking back over the year

 There were so  many things to be grateful for in 2012.  Here is a brief list.

First of all I am grateful that we are all still here - no catastrophes etc on Dec. 21, 2012!
My health is still good  and my cataract surgery was successful.
My mother turned 90 and is still in good health for her age.
I still have my part time job which allows me the "frills" in life.
I have had so many social  events  and good times with family and friends.

 This a year was filled  with so many wonderful moments:
  • fun times, good food and laughter
  • many outings in nature in this wonderful part of the country. - canoeing, hiking, swimming, snowshoeing
  • a wonderful retreat with my teacher of meditation.
  • special moments  with my son- lots of laughter and  good  talks
  • early morning or late evening walks with my dog when it is so quiet and still
  • sitting in my garden surrounded by flowers and the chirping of birds.
The list could go on and on ...

In gratitude for all the blessings received this past year,

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