Thursday 21 June 2012

The rain has stopped


We have had so much rain the past few weeks.  Basements have flooded,  sewers have backed up into peoples' homes, roads were closed due to washouts.   I am grateful that I had a just little water in my basement and not a lot . We are all tired of the rain, but I am sure the  fire fighters are relieved that the risk of forest fires has lessened considerably,  I was so happy  and grateful   to see the sun  shining this morning. It brightened my day and lifted my spirits. True blue skies, puffy clouds and a warm breeze re-energized  me.  My garden is responding well to the  abundant  rain followed by sunshine.  Everything is growing rapidly and I have a "riot" of colour in my front garden: green,  white,  blue, orange, yellow, pink, purple  and red - all brightened by the morning sun!  Sitting on my front deck "perched " among the shrubs and flowers, I realize that life is indeed good.

In gratitude,

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