Saturday 30 June 2012

Noticing preceeds gratitude

                                                     A burst of colour in my front garden

I was just sitting outside in my garden yesterday  in the heat of the day.  I noticed and appreciated the soft breeze cooling me off in the shade, heard the trickle of the fountain in my pond and  the birds chirping in the trees.  I was aware of the sweet scent of roses as I got up  passed by the rose bush. An altogether wonderful moment  filled with contentment and gratitude.  Life is good.  It came to me that we need to notice these little things, to be aware of the roses  - actually see them before we can appreciate them.  So simple and so obvious  and yet how often ignored.  We need to live in the present moment, and not " in our heads",  so that we notice all the gifts that surround us - then we can be grateful. 

Noticing the simple, wonderful moments in my life
Grateful for them all.

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