Wednesday 29 August 2012

Beauty and power of the wliderness

This  past weekend I spent time  in the wilderness with 6  other women.   In the evening we stayed in cabins, but during the day we  swam, hiked  and shared our stories and souls over campfires and wonderful meals.  The pristine wilderness and beauty of  this immense lake inspires awe and reverence - reverence  for the immensity,  power,  and timelessness  of it all.  These waves have been crashing on this shore for eons.  These waves have deposited millions of pebbles of all shapes, sizes and textures  over more years than I can possibly imagine.  Such immense power!  I am grateful for this stark beauty of my region, for the immense power of our lake and so thankful to have friends to share  the wonderful experience. 

In gratitude for it all,

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