Wednesday 11 April 2012

If you have lived

“If you have lived, take thankfully the past.”  – John Dryden

This quote resonated with me today.   I just returned home from the  funeral of a friend's father.  She was an only child and her father was elderly.  She is absolutely devastated.  In time she will have many cherished memories from the past, but right now the pain is raw.   My mother is also elderly (almost 90) and I am grateful that she is still  with us today, in relatively good health.  Life is a gift to be experienced, lived fully and enjoyed.  I will take the past, indeed embrace it and give thanks for it, as painful as it has been at times.  The past has  brought me to where I am today, has shaped who I am today.... and for that I give thanks.

In gratitude,

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