Tuesday 22 May 2012

The Station

I was cleaning out some files today and came across a story by Robert Hastings called " The Station ".  He compares our life to a long trip by train ,  absentmindedly seeing the countryside  but waiting  impatiently to reach the next station or  final destination .  We put our happiness on hold  until we reach those "stations" in life:  "When I am18.  When I buy a new 450SL Mercedes Benz.  When I put the last kid through college.  When I have paid off my mortgage!  When I get a promotion".    We are so preoccupied about getting to the destination, or station that we don't appreciate the journey.    As Robert  says :"Sooner or later we must realize  that there is no station, no one place to arrive at once and for all.  The true joy of life is the trip.  The station is only a dream.  It constantly outdistances us.  Relish the moment is a good motto".   He advises us to "climb more mountains, go barefoot more often, swim more rivers, watch more sunsets, laugh more , cry less.  Life must be lived as we go along."

Good advice! Notice  and enjoy all the little things along the voyage and the wonders on the way:  amazing sunsets, expansive wheat fields,  towering mountains,  sparkling waters , colourful flowers... Be grateful for all these and more  -  the destination will arrive soon enough. 

In gratitude,

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