Monday 7 May 2012

Celebrating 90 years

Yesterday was my mother's 90th birthday and we had a a celebration at the long term care facility where she lives. Mom has Alzheimer's  and seems like a different person than the  mother we grew up with.  In this post I would like to honour  mom and show gratitude for all that she has done for me.  She was kind, sensible and hard working. She taught by actions and didn't "preach".  I don 't think I would be the person I am today if it weren't for her.

 I am grateful for the following gifts she gave me throughout life:
  • she treated all 3 daughters equally
  • she put us before herself
  • she always  made sure I had the biggest piece of cake :-))
  • when times got tough she opened her home to me, my son and a 130 pound dog
  • she let me live with her as long as I needed to get back on my feet and never complained
  • she encouraged us all to get a higher education
  • she gave me a  strong spiritual foundation
  • she never judged me
  • she accepted me as I was
  • she never said "I told you so" when I made a mistake
Thank you mom for always  being there for me .
Ever in gratitude,

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