Sunday 14 April 2013

My Dog Drake

I live with an elderly dog that has a number of health problems.  Today is not a good day for him - He isn't eating and  is lying very still.  I am spending the day home with him  - even though I had other plans for the day.    He has been declining in health since the fall and I think that the end isn't too far off.  I would like to acknowledge some of  the gifts and lessons this dog has given me.

He has taught me to live in the moment, to treat every activity as a joyous adventure.  He makes me laugh -  he has a wonderful sense of humour  and is always "up" for some fun!  He has taught me unconditional love  and always greets me eagerly no matter what my mood may be.  He has taught me forgiveness.  We have been in many competitions together, and  he always forgave me for my blunders and did the best he could.  He has taught me that life is so worth living- to live "full-on" and  find the joy in every moment.

In gratitude for this wonderful life gifted to me,
with the hope that we may still have  many days  together,

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