Monday 4 February 2013

Choose in every moment

This is our choice for every moment.
Do we relate to our circumstances with bitterness or with openness?
Pema Chodron

On Feb. 1 I turned the page  over on  my calendar and that was the quote  for the month of February .  As I did my morning meditation I was aware of the choice I made, to spend a longer time in "openness", in peace while meditating.   This quote mirrors what my teacher  says -  we can choose pain or peace,. It is up to us.

We can choose to anguish over the past and replay those same old grooves.  We can choose to  fret about the future and worry about things that may not even happen.  Or, we can choose to  remain in the present moment.  We can chose to react with bitterness, anger etc. or we can chose to react with openness, gratitude and love. It really is all up to us,  and the choices we make colour our perspective of the world.  Are we victim or are we empowered and in control?

I am so grateful for having this teaching.  Life would have been easier  had I  learned this earlier, but better late than never.  Now all I have to do is remember - pain or peace, bitterness or openness - the choice should be simple!

In gratitude for free will that allows me to choose,

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