Sunday 17 February 2013

Every second is a precious gift

I came across this poster while web surfing.  We take so many things for granted -  breathing for instance.  If you have ever had an asthma attack and struggle for breath,  you will fully  appreciate  regaining your breath. 

For me this past weekend,  snowshoeing  at my sister's country property reminded me of how richly we are blessed, creating a symphony of gratitude for this wonderful day: breathing in the fresh crisp air;
seeing the blue sky and "diamonds" sparkling in the snow; hearing the "swoosh" of our snowshoes on the snow; laughing and chatting with fiends. All these gifts during  a simple walk in the woods!  The simplest of things often give the greatest joy.

What else in our life are we ignoring or taking for granted? Carpe Diem - seize the day. I would  also say "seize the moment"! It is all so  magical...

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