Sunday 4 March 2012

Goethe and Gratitude

"Go to foreign countries and you will get to know the good things one possesses at home." - Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe 

This quote reminded me of the times I spent In France  when I was a student.  I loved living in France - totally enjoying the food,  immersed in  the culture etc.  However it was then that I  also realized all the good things I had at home that I took for granted.  Sometimes it is only when we no longer have something , that we fully  appreciate it.  I remember craving peanut butter of all things!  I didn't know how much I enjoyed it until I couldn't find it in France.  I hope to appreciate and be grateful for all that I have living here.  Appreciate it now and not wait for it to be gone in order to realize how special someone or something was.  Live each moment fully, gratefully and you will see how abundant life really is.

In gratitude,

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