Thursday, 25 October 2012

This day will not come again

This day will not come again. Each minute is worth a priceless gem. Zen Master Takuan

 As I was reading through some gratitude quotes, this one in particular  spoke to me.  It reminds me  of the saying :"Live each day as if it were your last".  We would certainly be grateful for every moment, every experience of that day.  Each moment would indeed be a priceless gem.  If it were our last day we would live it so differently. 

We take each day for granted - we get up, go to work,come home, cook supper , watch TV....  Do we   realise how amazing it is to have this day?    Each moment is vibrant, each day a mystery.  We should wake up, grateful to have yet another day.  How different would our day be if we woke up,  innocent as a child, anticipating with wonder what blessings/gifts this day will bring .  To arise  each day with wonder and appreciation instead of dread  and worry.  To appreciate everything this day brings instead of "chasing" after something that  we think will make us truly  happy.  Happiness is right here, right now.  We just need to  truly live in the moment and savour it.  
In gratitude for the gift of each day,

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