Thursday, 25 October 2012

This day will not come again

This day will not come again. Each minute is worth a priceless gem. Zen Master Takuan

 As I was reading through some gratitude quotes, this one in particular  spoke to me.  It reminds me  of the saying :"Live each day as if it were your last".  We would certainly be grateful for every moment, every experience of that day.  Each moment would indeed be a priceless gem.  If it were our last day we would live it so differently. 

We take each day for granted - we get up, go to work,come home, cook supper , watch TV....  Do we   realise how amazing it is to have this day?    Each moment is vibrant, each day a mystery.  We should wake up, grateful to have yet another day.  How different would our day be if we woke up,  innocent as a child, anticipating with wonder what blessings/gifts this day will bring .  To arise  each day with wonder and appreciation instead of dread  and worry.  To appreciate everything this day brings instead of "chasing" after something that  we think will make us truly  happy.  Happiness is right here, right now.  We just need to  truly live in the moment and savour it.  
In gratitude for the gift of each day,

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Inner Peace

Today as I was out and about running errands,  I felt such a deep peace and contentment. No matter what was going around me, I was totally "in" the present moment and filled with such  stillness.  This is what  I have been striving for - to live from that place of peace.

 The past weekend was spent  in a meditation course and  the effects of that experience continue.  Normally   I can  quite easily access that still, peace within during meditation, but to be able  to tap into that well of stillness during the day's  regular  activities is quite exquisite.  The attached poster really says it all.

 In gratitude for my meditation teachers  and to their commitment in helping me grow on this path to inner peace,

Monday, 8 October 2012

Pilgrims and Thanksgiving

The Pilgrims made seven times more graves that huts.  No Americans have been more impoverished than these who, nevertheless, set aside a day of thanksgiving.  H. U.  Westermayer

Today's post is  in gratitude for the Pilgrims who started the Thanksgiving tradition here in North America.    A tradition where we  gather together with family and friends  around a table filled with an  abundance of food.  How lucky we are in to live here!

Today I took the time to look  through the flyers that arrived the other day in the mail and there was one from World Vision with a variety of gifts to purchase for families struggling in impoverished countries.  To gift a family with a goat or chickens so that they could have food.  To gift a family with mosquito nets so children could sleep at night without worrying about getting malaria.  The gift of medicine, school supplies...the list goes on and on....the recipients  so grateful for things that we take for granted. What a stark contrast from our tables laden  with so much food .  Thanksgiving should be a daily event, just as  the joy and giving  at Christmas-time should continue throughout the year.

In gratitude for the abundance  in my life,

Monday, 1 October 2012

A perfect day...

Everything is perfect just as the way it is.  Neale Donald Walsh 

I was reading this statement from Neale Donald Walsh and I had  some difficulty believing it especially with the  state of the world right now.  If I consider that statement in light of my life right now  I can see  lots of areas that seem to lack in "perfection".  But as  I pondered further, I realized that in the present moment all is good, all is as it should be, because that is what has happened.  There may be a grand plan, that is beyond my comprehension.  Perhaps I need to experience rough patches in my life, experience the darkness, so I can fully appreciate the light.  

This past weekend I went for a drive along the lake with  a fellow meditator.  And the day was perfect indeed: from the many synchronicities that made this day so special to the wonderful scenery and unseasonably warm weather.  The hillsides were ablaze with the fall colours, the waters of the mighty lake sparkled like ever so many priceless diamonds. Rich conversation interspered with laughter and such stillness as we meditated on the shore of the lake.  The experience was exquisite, a soft breeze, sparkling waters, the rhythm of the waves and deep, deep stillness.

What a wonderful day , in fact what a perfect day!.

I thank the universe, source, God (whatever word resonates with you)  for this magnificent day.