Thursday, 23 February 2012


I was just web surfing  and came across the Eckhart Tolle site and read an inspirational story from Colleen Mackay.Even though my little garden is dormant under the snow, reading this passage wonderfully expressed my appreciation for all that bounty of food that will come to my table in the summer months.  I eagerly wait in anticipation for that first green shoot that will peek through the earth in a couple of months!
 Here is an excerpt form her story. 

"The satisfaction I’m deriving from a little sweat, a little effort and a lot of seed catalogues can’t be measured by my bank account or my shoes. By digging deep into the earth and creating a space of calm growth, riotous in its abundance, I’m connecting back to my own soul in a way I’d been missing.
I’ve stopped repeatedly throughout the process of creating this space and expressed my gratitude to the earth for allowing me to use its nourishment, for the sun that warms not only my skin but my sprouts, and for the simple fact that I am able to just be in this place, at this time. The simple act of being present, drinking in the scents of the garden and allowing myself to acknowledge it has reset something within me I didn’t know was off balance". Colleen McKay

In gratitude for my humble garden,

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