Sunday 11 May 2014


After one of the longest and coldest winters of my life,  the buds on the tree in front of my house are about to open. Warm weather the past few days has caused shoots to push up through the earth and leaves ready to burst from their buds.  I am so grateful for this long-awaited spring.  Yesterday I went to the garden greenhouses and feasted my eyes on the brightly coloured flowers there.  Their sweet scent was exhilarating.  The sun was shining, with clear blue skies.  So great to be alive and able to enjoy this!  All of nature seems to be awakening.  This in away parallels my own life.  I have gone through a long winter  and my meditation practice gives me hope, hope that I too will soon awake.

In gratitude for the signs of spring both in the exterior world and within,

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