Saturday, 30 June 2012

Noticing preceeds gratitude

                                                     A burst of colour in my front garden

I was just sitting outside in my garden yesterday  in the heat of the day.  I noticed and appreciated the soft breeze cooling me off in the shade, heard the trickle of the fountain in my pond and  the birds chirping in the trees.  I was aware of the sweet scent of roses as I got up  passed by the rose bush. An altogether wonderful moment  filled with contentment and gratitude.  Life is good.  It came to me that we need to notice these little things, to be aware of the roses  - actually see them before we can appreciate them.  So simple and so obvious  and yet how often ignored.  We need to live in the present moment, and not " in our heads",  so that we notice all the gifts that surround us - then we can be grateful. 

Noticing the simple, wonderful moments in my life
Grateful for them all.

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Grace isn't a little prayer...

Grace  isn't a little prayer you chant before receiving a meal.  It is a way to live.  
Attributed to Jacqueline Winspear.

  A Tarte Tatin that I made and  enjoyed with friends

When I read this quote, I thought of how many times I have said the grace before meals. Usually it was  a formality, said quickly , without really thinking of the words, so that I could get on with the eating!  We said grace because we were supposed to do that.  Perhaps the times  I really thought about what I was grateful for before eating, was at Thanksgiving, at a family gathering, when we each, in turn, reflected on what we were thankful for in life - and that had some meaning.  Since I have been trying to grow gratitude in my life, I really appreciate and am grateful  for,  not only a good meal, but so many other things in life.  When you appreciate and are grateful  for everything you have  in life, whether it is a new purchase or  the exquisite scent of a rose, then you  are rich indeed.  Everything is a gift and a blessing.  We just need to eyes to see that.

Grateful for the many blessings in my life,

Thursday, 21 June 2012

The rain has stopped


We have had so much rain the past few weeks.  Basements have flooded,  sewers have backed up into peoples' homes, roads were closed due to washouts.   I am grateful that I had a just little water in my basement and not a lot . We are all tired of the rain, but I am sure the  fire fighters are relieved that the risk of forest fires has lessened considerably,  I was so happy  and grateful   to see the sun  shining this morning. It brightened my day and lifted my spirits. True blue skies, puffy clouds and a warm breeze re-energized  me.  My garden is responding well to the  abundant  rain followed by sunshine.  Everything is growing rapidly and I have a "riot" of colour in my front garden: green,  white,  blue, orange, yellow, pink, purple  and red - all brightened by the morning sun!  Sitting on my front deck "perched " among the shrubs and flowers, I realize that life is indeed good.

In gratitude,

Monday, 18 June 2012

Sheep , sun and fog

                                                                                   Picture by Roger Davies

I spent the weekend working at a sheep herding trial.   We had high heat and humidity the first day, damp cold wind the next day with thick fog in the morning. and  pleasant weather the last day - sun, puffy clouds and a good breeze.  The first day many competitors were disappointed in their runs with the dogs.  There was also a bit of friction when personalities sorted themselves out, and disappointments were faced.  However we all had a good time. Lots of work, lots of good food and lots of fun.  I remember sitting on my chair thinking I could be upset at an unkind comment made to me, but I just took it all in.  The sun, the wonderful pastoral setting, good people, great food, and all in all, a sense of camaraderie.  With  the breeze  blowing across my cheeks and the sun shining on my face , I thought - it doesn't get much better than this.  It could be easy to see what wasn't working or what went wrong, but  it just takes a moment to change the lens and see what went right and celebrate it.  What a better way to live!

In appreciation for all that is,

Saturday, 9 June 2012

86,400 seconds

God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today.  Have you used one to say "thank you"?   William  A. Ward

My life is bound by time - I am always checking my watch . Am I on time?  Am I late.? What time  is that TV program on?  Even when I wake up in the middle of the night , I check to see what time it is.  I am not sure what the point of that is.... 

How have I spent those 86,400 seconds each day?  A good portion of it is sleeping, working, eating, relaxing , socializing etc.  But it takes  just a second to say thank you to someone, which could light up their day.  It just takes a second to notice the beauty of a sunset, to appreciate it  and say "that you " to God, to the universe,  to all that is - whichever word means something to you.  How much richer would my life be if I spent a tiny  fraction of those 86,400 seconds in gratitude?  Even if I voiced  or felt a moment  of gratitude every 10 minutes for my 16 waking hours each day  (which seems like a lot) - that would be 96 moments of gratitude or 96 seconds and that would still leave me 86,304 seconds to do all the rest of my living.  Makes me think about how I am using my time.

In gratitude,

Monday, 4 June 2012

Gratitude flows like a river

 Gratitude flows like a river

Gratitude flows like a river
across the parched earth
bringing life and lush promise
where it flows.

a gratitude poem by