Sunday 11 May 2014


After one of the longest and coldest winters of my life,  the buds on the tree in front of my house are about to open. Warm weather the past few days has caused shoots to push up through the earth and leaves ready to burst from their buds.  I am so grateful for this long-awaited spring.  Yesterday I went to the garden greenhouses and feasted my eyes on the brightly coloured flowers there.  Their sweet scent was exhilarating.  The sun was shining, with clear blue skies.  So great to be alive and able to enjoy this!  All of nature seems to be awakening.  This in away parallels my own life.  I have gone through a long winter  and my meditation practice gives me hope, hope that I too will soon awake.

In gratitude for the signs of spring both in the exterior world and within,

Thursday 1 May 2014

In-Gratitude or ingratitude?

I came across this picture on facebook the other day.  Whether we live a life of gratitude or ingratitude is up to us.  

When we live from a stance of ingratitude, we view the world through a lens of lack which leads to criticizing, and complaining.  We view the world as a negative perhaps hostile environment.  When we live in gratitude we see the abundance and blessings that surround us.  We are grateful for, and marvel in the small and big things -  in the mundane and ordinary as well as the extraordinary.  Our world view is kinder, gentler and supportive.  

One stance creates pain and suffering....the other peace and contentment.
Which do you choose?  
I know what my choice is!

In gratitude for all the blessings both great and small,


Wednesday 8 May 2013


It seems that nothing  robs my happiness quite as much as  comparing. Comparing what I have in relation to others, sows seeds of discontent or lack.  Comparing this moment to another in the past can make it feel shallow or empty.  Judging the experience, judging our lives, comparing them to others,  is a "head game"  and takes us out of the full experience of the  present moment.

 Is my glass half empty or half full?  I say - just drink and savour  what is in it!

In gratitude for the gift of every moment,

Sunday 28 April 2013

10 seconds

I was watching a youtube clip of Fred  Rogers accept a lifetime achievement award at the Emmy's in 1997.  In his acceptance speech he said: "Would you just take,  along with me,  10 seconds to think of the people who have helped you become who your are.  Those who have cared about you and have wanted what is best for you in life. 10 seconds and I'll watch the time".  The he went silent as did the audience.  It was an amazing thing on TV - 10 seconds in silence, in gratitude. recognizing others' hands in our success!  So often we "puff up " with pride at our accomplishments.  How often do we look back to see the others  behind us who helped us along the way. It take humility to acknowledge that perhaps we have not done it all alone!  Mothers, fathers, teachers, siblings, friends, mentors,teachers coaches....the list goes on.  I invite you to take 10 seconds to acknowledge in your heart those who have helped you become who you are today.

In gratitude for all those who have helped me, shaped  me, and walked the path before me, making it easier to find my way,

Sunday 14 April 2013

My Dog Drake

I live with an elderly dog that has a number of health problems.  Today is not a good day for him - He isn't eating and  is lying very still.  I am spending the day home with him  - even though I had other plans for the day.    He has been declining in health since the fall and I think that the end isn't too far off.  I would like to acknowledge some of  the gifts and lessons this dog has given me.

He has taught me to live in the moment, to treat every activity as a joyous adventure.  He makes me laugh -  he has a wonderful sense of humour  and is always "up" for some fun!  He has taught me unconditional love  and always greets me eagerly no matter what my mood may be.  He has taught me forgiveness.  We have been in many competitions together, and  he always forgave me for my blunders and did the best he could.  He has taught me that life is so worth living- to live "full-on" and  find the joy in every moment.

In gratitude for this wonderful life gifted to me,
with the hope that we may still have  many days  together,

Monday 1 April 2013

Looking for blessings

Practice looking for the beautiful blessings in each and every day, and never take any good thing -- big or small -- for granted. Life is full of miracles. ~Karen, from WayPoints by Karen Burch

I found this quote on facebook and thought I would reflect on it today.  For the past year or so I have been writing about gratitude - recognizing  and appreciating all the wonders gifted to us by the universe.  What struck me with this quote was that we must go beyond recognizing and being grateful for  blessings, but we must also look for them, seek them out.  It is an active, inquisitive, expectant process -  eyes wide open, searching for the blessings, miracles and gifts.  Like a child  eagerly looking for those Easter eggs which may be hidden from the common view.  What a wonderful way to experience life - full of expectancy and gratitude.  Now that is an attitude shift for most of us!

In gratitude for  miracles, be they big or small,